Doggy Daycare Business in Barcelona, Spain
Posted March 15, 2024 at 4:51 pm by Feligos

Doggy Daycare Business in Barcelona, Spain

Established in 2021 near a city park with established customers’ database and 75 regular subscribers of the service.

3 employees and a dog walker helper. Business hours Mo – Fri 08.00-20.00, it can be modified. Transportation within Barcelona.

The business is not yet profitable but with significant potential to grow which would require some investment and staff.

website, FB, IG

Annual revenue cca 95K euro

Leased premises of 300m2, can be locally moved elsewhere.

Preparation for bathing services.


Spain is a great country to do business. Be your own boss by taking over an existing business than starting a new business if you are unsure how to start a company. Business for sale in Spain is your best choice and you can look for our business broker for assistance or business advisor to advise you further in your business needs.