Electronics and Gadgets store in KL Setapak Sentral and KL Times Square. Both stores to sell together with Sdn Bhd company. Owner focusing on other business. Ideal for foreigners, youth and peoples with big dream. Selling at RM 190k for both shops together.
About the business:
Cool gadgets, gifts, elektronic, Toys and gaming accessories
@therate is a store for anyone with a passion for electronics and gadgets.
Our range includes the latest and most popular products. With a range of over 5000 products and 50 categories,
we can offer you almost everything. We are up to date and offer a very high quality.
@therate, the nicest gifts and gaming accessories for you
Whether it is a junior hovercraft, a levitated globe (yes, it really exists),
360-degree action camera or handy power bank for your smartphone.
Cool Gadgets and fun promotional gifts that are guaranteed not offered by many other shops.
Our IG profile
Malaysia is a great country to do business. Be your own boss by taking over an existing business than starting a new business if you are unsure how to start a company. Business for sale in Malaysia is your best choice and you can look for our business broker for assistance or business advisor to advise you further in your business needs.