Staying Away From Business Misconceptions
September 24, 2019 by Easy Buy Sell Business in Blog

Staying Away From Business Misconceptions

Everything You Need to Know About Staying Away From Business Misconceptions

Being in business, the one thing every business person wants to avoid is falling into the trap of making mistakes along the way that could jeopardize their business. Especially when it comes to important decisions such as deciding to sell a business. One poor misconception could be the one that makes or breaks your business, the difference between failure and success.

The good news is, mistakes are easily avoidable. We just need to be aware of what those mistakes are, learn from the past mistakes of others, and avoid repeating those mistakes. Businesses are sold and bought, that’s the way it works. But to sell a business successfully, the key is to minimize the errors along the way as much as possible.

Here are some common business misconceptions to stay clear of:


Only Selling When You Feel Ready

There’s a saying that goes “time and tide wait for no man”. And that same concept can be applied to selling a business. Selling a business when “you feel ready to do so” isn’t going to work. Economic factors need to be taken into consideration. Also, it’s best to enlist the help of a professional and heed their advice on when the best time to sell the business would be.


Overestimating or Underestimating the Company’s Worth

Placing a price on your business based on what you feel it’s worth or the amount you wish to receive from the sale is the wrong way to go about it. Place too high a price and nobody is going to want to buy from you. Too low a price and you could end up on the losing end of the sale. To seriously sell a business successfully, expert advice and analysis is needed. The experts will analyze the business and the market it operates in, making a solid analysis of the company growth potential before placing a fair market value on it to prevent business misconceptions.


Thinking You Could Sell Your Business Easier on Your Own

Thinking You Could Sell Your Business Easier on Your Own

True, sometimes if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. But selling a business is not one of those times. Selling a business is much harder than it looks, and you could risk losing potential sales, clients, and employees if it goes wrong. Let the experts handle the sale of the business, while you focus on keeping the business running successfully instead.


Breaching Confidentiality

All business sales need to be kept with the strictest of confidences in mind. Under no circumstance should that confidentiality be breached because it could affect the outcome of the sale.


Taking the Hands-off Approach

Just because you’ve hired someone to manage the sale of your business, doesn’t mean you get to sit back while the sale takes care of itself. Be hands-on, because you know your business better than anyone. Also, work with your broker and together you could sell the business more effectively.

Avoiding these common business misconceptions will ensure not only a better success rate of your business sale but also that the sale is done as professionally and efficiently as possible.

We know selling a business is harder than it looks, which is why Easy Buy Sell Business is here to provide ideas, assistance, and consultancy for investors and business owners. We provide nothing but professional services from start to finish. Contact our panel of experts to find out more about the services we provide.